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Henson at Home


Curated educational activities from Early Childhood Specialist Leslie Gaar.

Fun with Water Part 1

Welcome to Fun with Water week! Today we’ll catch a current with Splash and Bubbles, explore ocean currents with a simple experiment, make a shark puppet, and paint with water.


Watch Together

In this clip from Splash and Bubbles, “Catch A Current,” Splash sings about the fun he and his fishy friends have while riding the ocean currents. After watching, you might ask your child:

  • What do you think a current is?

  • How would it feel to ride one?

  • Why do you think Splash likes catching currents?

Watch the clip here.


Keep Current with Splash and Bubbles

Explore ocean currents with your child using the free Splash and Bubbles Parents app! After downloading the app, tap on ‘activities,’ then search for the Keeping Current activity. From there you can make predictions about what will happen in your experiment and test your theories by creating currents of your own. Be sure to check out the Snap It! feature, which lets you upload pictures of your experiment!

Download the app here.


Plastic Shark Puppet

Want more fun with animals that live in the water? Try making this plastic bag shark puppet. Click below for the instructions and then start creating! Then share your puppets with us by posting your pictures to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with #HensonAtHome .

Download the full activity here.

Photo Credit: Happy Hooligans

Photo Credit: Happy Hooligans

Painting Letters with Water

Let’s face it: Kids love to paint, but sometimes you’re just not up for the mess level. Enter painting with water. Your child gets some water play and letter knowledge practice. You get a simple, low-maintenance activity. Win-win! Click the link below for the full instructions from Happy Hooligans.

Find the full activity here.

Coming Up Next…

Fun with Water week continues with the Fraggles!

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