Halloween Experiments for your Whole Family to Try!
by Lauren Newhouse
With Halloween right around the corner, try these Sid activities or make your own Sid the Science Kid costume that is sure to make your little one’s Halloween memorable.
Make your own Sid the Science Kid costume!
Julie Zobel, Head of Fabrication at Jim Henson’s Creature Shop®, suggests keeping your Sid costume simple and pre-school friendly. Start with a red hoodie, blue pants and red sneakers. If hair spray or a colored wig is too much for your little scientist, you could try creating Sid’s hair by using some thick lavender-colored yarn. Cut the yarn in long lengths that can reach ear to ear over your child’s head. Cut enough pieces to cover your child’s head. Use a shorter piece of yarn to tie all the pieces together in the middle. Fasten your Sid “wig” to your child’s head using hair clips or bobby pins and trim the bangs as needed to your child can see. Be sure to color your child’s nose orange…just like Sid! For a final touch, your child can carry a magnifying glass, a microphone or a journal!
Gooey Green Slime
Looking for an experiment for your own scientist this Halloween? Help them concoct this ooey gooey green slime and see how it changes as you add more ingredients!
Download a printer-friendly version of the experiment here.
Decaying Pumpkin
Before you toss out that old Jack-o-Lantern, try this activity that studies transformation and change and shows your little scientist just how scientific pumpkins can be!
For more Halloween inspiration, watch Sid and his pals sing about the spookiest time of year!
Visit our friends at PBS Parents for more Sid the Science Kid Halloween ideas! Share your costumes with us on social media by using #HensonHalloween

Our production crew members, show off their own homemade Sid the Science Kid costumes.