Sensory Play Part 3
Welcome to the final day of Sensory Play! Today we’ll smell the flowers with Dinosaur Train, make dinosaur and pterosaur hand shadows, do some shadow tracing, and sing a song about our senses.
Watch Together
On this episode of Dinosaur Train, (Season 4, Episode 6: “Stop and Smell the Flowers”), Tiny, Buddy, and Don go on a daytrip with Mom, where they meet Quentin Qianzhousaurus. After watching, you might ask your child:
What were some of the differences between Buddy and Quentin?
How were Buddy and Quentin the same?
What kinds of flowers do you like to smell?
How did plants help dinosaurs, even if they were meat-eaters?
Watch the episode here.
Dinosaur and Pterosaur Hand Shadows
Making hand shadows is a fun way to explore your sense of sight. Click below for the instructions and then try making a flying Pteranodon, Stegosaurus, or something else. Be sure to use a good light source like a lamp, flashlight, or even the sun to make your shadows really stand out!
Download the activity here.
Photo credit: Art & Bricks
Shadow Tracing Toys
While we’re playing with shadows, you can draw a portrait of your favorite toy with this activity from Art & Bricks! All it takes is a piece of paper, a toy or two, and something to draw with. Don’t forget to share your shadow pictures with us by using #HensonAtHome on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Find the full activity here.
Let’s Sing: “What Can I See?”
Lyrics from Perpetual Preschool
(Sung to: If You’re Happy and You Know It)
Oh, with your eyes what do you see?
Oh, with your eyes what do you see?
Oh, tell me now what do you see with your eyes? (Let your child tell you what they see)
Oh, with your eyes what do you see?
Oh, with your fingers what do you feel?
Oh, with your fingers what do you feel?
Oh, tell me now what do you feel with your fingers? (Let your child tell you what they feel)
Oh, with your fingers what do you feel?
Continue with:
Oh, with your nose what do you smell?
Oh, with your ears what do you hear?
Oh, with your tongue what do you taste?
Find the full song here.