Julie's Greenroom - Characters
Julie's Greenroom
Julie’s Greenroom arrives with a cast full of colorful characters and brand new friends!
Join Fizz, Riley Hank, Peri, and Spike as they learn from Ms. Julie and her assistant Gus about the magic of the arts. But keep an eye out Hugo the duck, and Toby the dog: they also love the arts… and having fun!
Ms. Julie
A longtime lover and teacher of the arts, Ms. Julie is delighted to introduce a new batch of Greenies to the wonders of the theater. Some of the children are apprehensive at first, but Ms. Julie knows just the right mix of kindness and patience to guide them through the ordeals of learning new talents and finding their voices. Sometimes the arts may feel awkward or intimidating, but Ms. Julie knows the theater holds a place for us all.
Ms. Julie is gentle and empathetic, understanding that an arts program should build memories and friendships that last long beyond the final curtain. In fact, she helps the Greenies learn this by constantly bringing back excited Greenroom alumni to teach them. Everyone is always so excited to see her, and with good reason - Ms. Julie is an excellent teacher. But she also knows good theater, and wants to help the Greenies to put on a musical for the ages!
Julie’s assistant, Gus manages the greenroom with relentless enthusiasm and a real eye for details. A Greenroom graduate himself, he helps break down lessons for the Greenies through lenses they can better understand. And since Gus knows the ups and downs of the theater, he’s always there for upset Greenies with a box of tissues or a cup of soothing tea.
A lover of details, Gus is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the theatre. Gus is a jack of all trades and a master of… some. Singer, dancer, musician, juggler, painter - you name it, and Gus will give it a try. He’s an invaluable supportive presence, and a dependable helper for Ms. Julie. The Greenroom can’t function without him!
The youngest of the Greenies, Fizz finds nearly everything to be new and exciting. And whether she’s pretending to be an animal or catching the hiccups, Fizz keeps things interesting. In fact, with each new guest Fizz discovers a new job she wants to do when she grows up. And with help from the Greenies, maybe Fizz can do all of them!
This is Fizz’s first extracurricular activity, and with it come the jitters and emotions of joining a group. But Fizz is as loving as she is lovable, and bonds immediately with both Hugo and Toby. Even though she may still struggle with stage fright, or forget her lines, Ms. Julie and our guests will teach Fizz how the show can still go on.
The Greenroom’s resident musician, Hank is an avid baseball fan and talented virtuoso, proving boys can love sports and theater. One of the more confident Greenies, Hank brings his infectious energy to everything, sometimes growing even too eager. But Hank doesn’t let anything hold him back, including his wheelchair, and he fills the Greenroom with his big personality and favorite melodies.
Hank approaches life with positivity, but he’s not immune to frustration. When he and Spike team up to write a song together, he realizes he has a lot to learn about creative compromise. And though he enjoys music, Hank doesn’t have much enthusiasm for dancing. Ms. Julie understands why. But with help from her and the Greenies, Hank will learn that anyone can enjoy the magic of dance.
When the Wellspring Center basement floods, it looks like everything is positively ruined! But every cloud has a silver lining, and the Greenies are delighted to find that with the flood arrived Hugo, an absolutely dynamic duck.
With a little translation help from Gus, Hugo quickly reveals that he’s no mere duck: he’s a dancer, singer, actor, and more! Of course, Hugo is still a bird, which keeps things interesting when he gets his hands on loud props or invites his whole family to the final performance. But Hugo is a talent in his own right, and Ms. Julie insists that the theater does not discriminate. Anyone can be part of the Greenroom family!
The consummate theater lover, Peri arrives at the Greenroom ready for her close-up. She’s been singing and dancing since birth, and it shows: Peri is a talented performer with a flair for the dramatic. But sometimes the drama can be too much, and Peri will sometimes have to learn to put the production before herself.
Yes, Peri can be a bit of a diva, but she’s a true and loyal friend. While the other Greenies can be a bit more hesitant about exploring their artistic sides, Peri always jumps in with both feet first, helping her friends work past the awkwardness and stage fright. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and the Greenroom is a brighter place for having her in it.
An introvert and classic techie, 10-year old Riley shows up to the Greenroom looking for Robotics Club, confused and anxious. But despite her shyness, Riley soon learns the performing arts have a role for everyone.
Our stage manager, prop master, and set designer, Riley quickly becomes an important member of the team. In fact, she’s constantly coming to the rescue with her tool belt and technological know-how, solving problems and keeping the Greenies on track.
Unlike some of her classmates, Riley is more comfortable backstage, away from the spotlight. But with help from Ms. Julie, the Greenies, and a few special guests, Riley may yet learn to overcome her fears and unlock the amazing performer within.
A lover of words, Spike is the Greenroom’s very own writer and poet. Whether he’s composing his latest rhyme or coming up with new story ideas, Spike is a quieter member of the “Mash-Up” team. But along with Ms. Julie and the Greenies, Spike will learn to share his stories, and let his voice be heard.
Extremely curious, Spike is always quick to spot interesting terms and log them in his Word Bank, asking questions and helping everyone improve their vocabulary. That curiosity doesn’t extend to ballet, however, where he and Hank both balk at the idea of male dancers. But Ms. Julie insists that dancing isn’t just for girls, and Spike may learn ballet has more to it than just tutus.
Ms. Julie doesn’t go anywhere without Toby, her faithful dog. Whether cheering up Fizz or howling along with Hank’s piano, Toby is a constant source of emotional support.
Toby is an intelligent boy, helping out around the Greenroom and even managing a role in the Greenie play! But Toby is also still a dog, and the Greenie need to be careful with leaving food laying around. But despite providing the occasional chaos, Toby is an invaluable member of the Greenroom family.

Julie's Greenroom
(Music from the Netflix Original Series)
Sing along to your favorite Julie's Greenroom songs! Composed by Ryan Shore, the soundtrack features a variety of songs sung by the cast and the show’s guest stars, from Julie Andrews to Alec Baldwin.