Jim Henson's Family Hub

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Take Travelling Matt on Your Next Adventure!

Daily routines seem normal to us, but how would our lives look from the perspective of a Fraggle? 

Travelling Matt, the beloved explorer from Fraggle Rock, has been adventuring around the world for decades! He’s intrigued by what people –or, as he calls them, “silly creatures”—are up to and wants to learn why they’re so interested in rather ridiculous concepts. For example, Matt’s travels have led him to observe silly creatures painting their food with ketchup, bathing their lips with cups of tea, and calmly taking their grass-eating monster machines for walks on the lawn.

Even when certain things seem strange at first, experiencing new elements of human culture is essential to building global understanding in today’s society. When we explore the planet and participate in customs of other people around the world, we learn to embrace our differences and see the power of working together towards world peace. Seems like a tall order, but it’s the concept at the root of Fraggle Rock itself. Lessons in learning to live with other creatures, adapt to new environments, and problem-solve in challenging situations are what teach the Fraggles about their world, and us about ours.

So what do you think Travelling Matt would find interesting about your part of the human world? Do your kids eat worm-like spaghetti or jump on a stretchy, springy blanket on metal spider legs? Perhaps your family is taking a trip during a school break and will ride inside a flying mechanical creature to get to a far-away land? Will you visit fascinating places in nature, hiking through the woods or swimming in an ocean? Whatever adventures you and your family may be planning, take Travelling Matt with you!

Download your own Travelling Matt to show him around your neighborhood, introduce him to your friends, and explain to him the ways of your world. After all, to the Fraggles, we live in “outer space,” so he’ll want to learn everything about it!

Share your adventures on social media using #TravellingMatt and #HensonFamilyHub or email your photos to FamilyHub@henson.com. We can’t wait to see where you take Travelling Matt!

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