Jim Henson's Family Hub

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Earth and Sky Part 2

It’s all rainy-day activities as Earth and Sky week continues! Today we’ll investigate rain with Sid the Science Kid, explore our feelings with Splash and Bubbles, and sing a rainy-day song.

Watch Together

Sid worries the rain will ruin his playdate in this episode of Sid The Science Kid, (Season 1, Episode 31: “Sid’s Rainy Day Playdate”). After watching, ask your child:

  • Do you like rain?

  • What do you like to do when it rains?

  • What does rain do for our planet?

Watch the episode here.

Investigate with Sid: Rain Rain Don’t Go Away

Want to have even more fun in the rain? On the next rainy day, you can do your very own science investigation, with the help of Sid The Science Kid!

Download the investigation guide here.

Photo credit: Let's Play Music

Let’s Sing!

Make the most of rainy weather with a good song! Try this one from Let’s Play Music. Your child might enjoy acting out the song with the suggested movements. Click the link below for the music and more Umbrella Song goodies.

Umbrella Song

Down come the rain drops SPLASH, SPLASH, SPLASH! (stamp feet on the splashes)

Let’s run for cover, DASH, DASH, DASH!  (run in place)

Pitter patter, pitter patter, DRIP, DRIP, DROP! (clap hands in rhythm)

I’m under my umbrella till the raindrops STOP! (put up pretend umbrella)

Listen to the song here.

Gush is Afraid of Storms!

Sometimes storms can feel scary! In this Splash and Bubbles clip, Gush is nervous about an upcoming storm, but he feels embarrassed to admit it to his friends.

Encourage your child to share their feelings about storms or any other potentially frightening things. The more they can understand that all their feelings are normal, the less discomfort those feelings are likely to cause them. If your child doesn’t feel like talking about things that scare them, don’t push the topic. It can still be helpful for children to simply watch someone else process their feelings in order to better understand their own.

Watch the clip here.

Coming up next…

Earth and Sky week ends on a windy note!